
Indonesian - The north coast road Indramayu Punched

The rain Indramayu regency last few days have resulted in the North Coast (coast) in Indramayu, West Java Indramayu berlubang.Kasat Resort Police, AKP Dony Eko Wicaksono claimed as many as 40 percent of roads in the northern coast, Indramayu perforated. Potholes, there are from border to border Indramayu-Cirebon-Indramayu, Subang.
"We anticipate potholes by conducting patrols and coordinate with relevant agencies," says Dony, Thursday, February 11, 2016.
In addition, the institute also perform preventive efforts by putting up signs to encourage road users to be more careful in order to avoid traffic accidents.
"There are four factors that cause environmental accidents, weather, human and vehicle condition. While the most severe potholes along the northern coast is Kertasmaya. On average potholes to dalamannya 10-30 centimeters," said Dony.
Something similar is described Indramayu Police Chief Superintendent Wijonarko. According to him, potholes is the impact of rain is quite high.
"The road along the 68 kilometer north coast is mostly hollow that resulted in multiple times a traffic accident" he said.
He claimed, of the evaluations in the past week were 13 traffic incident and one person died.
"We continue to encourage the relevant agencies to immediately improve and we will seek to increase illumination for night" he said.
Thus the news of cross kotamangga.com report

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